Things we're taking on the journey of our lives

Things we're taking on the journey of our lives

While preparing for the trip, we read tons of practical articles on packing for a long journey. Every one of them presented a different idea of what a properly packed backback should look like. Our list of things to take takes into account the specifics of the trip - hitchhiking, frequent sleeping in a tent, running a blog on the go, and no specific return date.

When choosing our luggage, we came to the conclusion that starting from a certain point, the length of the planned trip stops mattering. Whether you’re on a tour a month or a year, the basic list remains the same. You just have to do the laundry at least every 2 weeks. Instead of the length, we took into account the variability of climate zones and seasons. We feel prepared for over 30°C in Rio de Janeiro and freezing temperatures in Tierra del Fuego.

And now for the specifics! Here’s what we’re taking.


We chose them for their durability, perfect size, but mainly because of the brilliant weight distribution system. The models are definitely not light (they weigh 3080 and 3180 g, respectively), but they distribute the weight much better than other backpacks we tried.


For her

For him


For her

For him


Portable kitchen

Electronics and surroundings

Toilet supplies

For her

For him

For both

Documents and money


Sounds like a ton of stuff? Well, it is. Our backpacks probably have never been so heavy, primarily due to the record-breaking amount of electronics. However, we have enough space left to fit food for a longer stay far from civilization.

It took us a long time to decide what to pack for our trip and what to leave on the attic. We’re not prepared for everything, but it’s impossible to be. We just assume that there will be strore along the way to buy any missing equipment.